While waiting for another wedding season to start, I’m spending my time photographing sweet little angels like baby Skye Alyssa. There is something so indescribably innocent and gentle about each baby and photographing them fills my heart with joy.
Skye just turned 6 months and she was enjoying her time in front of my camera, laughing so hard and showing us her first tooth! 😉
Her mom Clare and I agreed how time just rushes by without us even really noticing it. It feels like it was only yesterday when I took first pictures of Skye, just two days after her being born.
Looking at her baby girl, smiling and rolling on the bed while kicking with her feet, Clare shared her favorite quote…
I constantly switch from wanting you to stay my baby forever and being excited about all the things you will see and do as you grow.
Even though I don’t have babies of my own yet, I think becoming a mother must be the most incredible feeling in the world. It is the moment where true and deepest love begins and a moment when you start putting your baby’s well-being and happiness ahead of your own.
I think most mothers would agree with the writer Linda Wooten:
Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had…and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.