I strongly believe that every person should have one day in a month just for themselves. We are so busy taking care of everybody around us that we often forget to love ad take care of ourselves. I have recently read a great book by Julia Cameron „The Artist’s way“and here is something she wrote that I would like to share with you:
We tend to think that being hard on ourselves will make us strong. But it is cherishing ourselves that gives us strength.
So I dare you: Just for one day, take a little break from everything and enjoy the day dedicated only to you.
It doesn’t need to be a whole day if you’re feeling swamped, but I’m sure you can steal a couple of hours and go to your favorite place! A place which inspires you to dream, recharge and relax, a place which inspires you to do something creative. You artists out there know exactly what I’m talking about. 😉
Go to a nearby park, or take a walk on the beach (my personal favorite…I know, I’m such a cliché!☺), or simply grab a book (when was the last time you found time to read an actual book?) or a magazine and enjoy that well deserved cup of coffee and a cupcake at your favorite coffee shop. Don’t be afraid. It’s not selfish, egocentric or silly to have “only me time”.
I created a “Date with creativity” for myself to enjoy once a month. I try to find a place that inspires me and I dream away…I write down my future goals, read a book, take pictures just for me… that day is all about recharging and having fun with my creativity.
Sometimes you need to be alone, doing things you love and enjoying your well deserved free time by being nothing else than your beautiful self!