Lately I’ve been getting a lot of questions on “How to take better photos with my phone or camera?”, so I’ve decided to write a blog and give you guys 3 quick tips that have helped me. 🙂
I need to say that I was extremely lucky to have had great photographers who answered my questions and helped me along the way. Without them I wouldn’t be where I am today.
So the least I can do now is to help someone else in the same way and doing it the best I can. So let’s get started.
Tip #1: Look for the best light
Good lighting is one of the most important things in photography so before taking a photo, always look for the best light possible.
I would always recommend natural light, like the one coming through your bedroom window if you are taking a picture inside.
Tip #2: Follow the rule of thirds
Almost every smartphone and camera today have a “grid” option installed in their photography settings, so I would recommend turning it on. It will help you to improve the composition of your images.
Try to imagine 2 vertical and 2 horizontal lines dividing up your image. Now, position your subject or the most important element of the photo where those two lines intersect, or position it simply along those lines.
Tip #3: Add layers and different textures to your photos
This is the most fun part. 🙂 You can use anything that helps you tell a little story and create a sense of depth. You can use books, flowers…anything you like.
I hope this was helpful to you and don’t forget the most important thing of all; to have fun while taking photos!!!
If you have any questions or comments, please write it bellow and don’t forget to follow me on Facebook.